“Chanel wyprodukuje maski ochronne, by wspomóc walkę z koronawirusem”
“Chanel has announced that it will begin production protective face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The French luxury house is currently making prototypes and will roll out production upon approval from the French government.” – fashionunited.uk [button color=”” size=”large” type=”” target=”_blank” link=”https://fashionunited.uk/news/fashion/chanel-produces-face-masks-as-contribution-to-virus-relief/2020033048220?fbclid=IwAR3QmA55iQLU6Kn3VzChy48mPQszzx8UE4bSs-oTqE-74do_JL-pEjixh7U”]CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ[/button]